
What are you doing for you —— I want to encourage you to invest in you.

How are you? How is your soul? How is your health? How are you feeling deep within?

A lot of us bypass these questions because —— we are too busy to think about how we are doing. There are too many items on our lists. There are too many people to take care. There is too little time in the day for ourselves.

Or we feel guilty focusing on our ourselves, as though self-care is wrong or contrary to the way of Jesus. 

Here are two important truths: 

  • Jesus took time away and invested in healthy input. He left the crowds. He got away. He invested in rest, silence, and solitude.

  • If you don’t take care of yourself, you cannot thrive long-term in your relationships and the passions inside of you. 

It’s ok to pause. It’s ok to rest. It’s ok to take time out of each day for a time of silence and solitude.

Utilize this time to assess how you are doing. Ask yourself what you need in your life to be a healthy human. 

Follow the below metaphors when you check-in with yourself.

Car fuel gauge: 

  • Are you living on a full tank?

  • Are you living on a half tank? 

  • Are you living on an empty tank?

We were not created to live on empty. We need to fill up mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and relationally.

Traffic light:

  • Green light means you are doing well. 

  • Yellow light means that you have room to slow down, evaluate, and invest into important areas of your life. 

  • Red light means that you are at a stand-still in life, in need of honest reflection, and need to make changes to move forward as a healthy human.

We were not created to be gridlocked. Keep moving forward with the input you need to create a healthy future. 

Choose to live in healthy rhythms —— investing in output and input.

Take some time for you, friend. You will never regret it.

Much Love + Peace,

Wesley Towne, Founder


What is Human Suffering


When People Hurt